Grand Marais Oktoberfest
Sep 25, 19 - Sep 29, 19
2019 Grand Marais Oktoberfest
Join us for the 4th Annual Grand Marais Oktoberfest on September 25-29, 2019 at Voyageur Brewing Company in Grand Marais, MN, as we celebrate Oktoberfest. We’ll have music, games, food and a special Oktoberfest beer. The Grand Marais Oktoberfest serves as a fundraiser for the Cook County Community fund, which supports local non-profits.
You can enjoy craft beer from Voyageur Brewing Company in Grand Marais, Minnesota whenever you’d like. There doesn’t need to be a special event to visit our beautiful taproom with a terrific view of Lake Superior. But if you need a nudge to get out and enjoy a delicious beer then we’re here to give you that nudge.
Grand Marais, MN Live MusicWe host special events in the taproom including bag tournaments, live music, beer release parties and more. We also attend events like tap takeovers, craft beer festivals and tastings across the state.
Voyageur Brewing Company
233 West Highway 61
Grand Marais, MN 55604
For More Information: Call 218-387-3163; Email
Mark your calendar today so you don’t miss the next Grand Marais Oktoberfest in Septemeber in Grand Marais, Minnesota.
Tags: Grand Marais Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest, Grand Marais Annual Events